The R.O.M. (The Role of Manager)


About this Course

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of a manager / supervisor 2. Identify various leadership styles and your leadership style 3. What leadership style you should be using in different situations 4. Identify the advantages of motivated staff and learn to develop motivation in others 5. Understand the importance of coaching to the management of people and develop a coaching plan for your associates 6. How to conduct coaching conversations 7. Develop the capabilities of your subordinates and learn skills to delegate supervisory work to selected subordinates 8. Conduct an effective performance appraisal and know what and what not to do during appraisals 9. Learn to deal with difficult staff or non performers 10. How to give effective feedback or give constructive criticism to your staff and peers and keep a working relationship 11. Identify the elements of an effective team, overcome barriers, and develop and manage effective teams 12. Identify yours and your staff’s strength in a team and how to use those strengths effectively

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