WSQ: Support Team


About this Course

Programme Objectives

This programme equips team leaders, supervisors and managers with the leadership skill and knowledge to support and lead a team. It covers conducting team planning activities, demonstrating organization values and building support and commitment within the team.

Programmer Outline

Conduct Team Planning Activities

- Review organisational objectives and business plans to identify requirements of team

- Lead team planning activities to identify trends and issues impacting on team and its productivity

- Create team operational plan to support team progress toward defined objectives

- Allocate resources required for implementation of objectives

Demonstrate Organizational Values

- Identify organizational values that underpin strategic priorities and contribute to effective    functioning of team

- Communicate vision, values and expectations to team members

- Role model behaviors which demonstrate application of organizational values in the work setting

Build Support and Commitment within the team

- Communicate clear,inspiring goals, plans and priorities to ensure team member support and buy-in

- Engage employees to contribute to the operationalisation of strategic priorities

- Model strong leadership by demonstrating application of organizational values, behaviors and governance   priorities in all actions

Learning Methodologies

Formative assessment which may comprise of role plays, group discussions, presentations, case studies, games, oral and written questioning.

Who Should Attend

Those currently in a management role or aspiring to the role, with the skills and knowledge to encourage their team members. This includes: Junior Executives, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Assistant Managers.

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