WSQ Optimise Brain Development in the Early Years 0-2 (Cat B)


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esearch on brain development has been going on for many years. This module, tailored for infant/toddler care teachers, attempts to give an overview of the most current key findings in brain research and looks at ways in which the infant and toddler teachers can intervene to optimize brain development in the young child. Participants will have opportunities to search, share and build a resource of research findings. It concludes with a section on communicating with parents, assisting them to design positive experiences for home use and influencing them to build positive relations with their child. At the end of this course participants will be empowered with knowledge from evidence-based brain research as they continue to engage in best practices daily with infants and toddlers. Topics Identify research that supports the brain development of infants and toddlers Implement a learning environment to promote brain growth Involve family members in implementing early experiences designed to contribute significantly to the structure of the brain

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