Innovation and Change Management


About this Course

At the end of the program, participants should be able to : ¿ Contribute to the development of a learning organization that supports the development of teams and individuals ¿ Identify competencies to assist individuals and teams to respond positively to change ¿ Support enterprising behavior and risk-taking among team leaders by role modeling enterprising behaviors and rewarding innovation ¿ Promote understanding of areas of achievement and opportunities for growth or improvement ¿ Assign roles and responsibilities to implement change strategies and processes ¿ Identify systems and behaviors that may support or limit implementation activities ¿ Work with team leaders to anticipate and plan for predictable consequences of change, apply systems thinking and provide support ¿ Develop and review systems for identifying and sharing learnings from change and implementation processes ¿ Analye data and feedback from team leaders to establish trends ¿ Identify actions and resources required to ensure change processes generate required benefits

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