Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers


About this Course

The Cambridge International Certificate for Teaching and Learning provides an ideal framework for anyone preparing for, or developing, their teaching or training role, whether they are full or part-time, new to the job or already in teaching and wishing to enhance and update skills and knowledge. 

Aim :

To assess a student’s competence in developing and delivering a range of learning and development activities. 

Objectives :

Students are able to:

  • Achieve international benchmark of excellence in teaching
  • Introduce curriculum development successfully
  • Improve quality and outcome of the teaching activities

Course Content :

Unit 1 : Understanding Principles of Learning and Teaching 

  • Orientation on learning and teaching concepts

  • Review teaching methods and learning activities

  • Understanding purposes of assessment

  • Evaluate the impact of learning on practice

Unit 2 : Teaching an Effective Lesson

  • Explore lesson structures and design

  • Understand differentiation and scaffolding

  • Apply methods of formative assessment

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson

Unit 3 : Facilitating Active Learning Through Effective Teaching

  •  Integrate discovered ideas from Units 1 & 2

  • Facilitate learners’ involvement

  • Identify Strengths and Areas for Development

Course Duration : 

The course is conducted over a 4 months period on a part-time study. Students meet 2 sessions per week for 4 hours per session.

Mode of Delivery :

Sessions include blended learning of face-to-face lectures, classroom discussion/participation, online forum discussion, hands-on training activities, peer teaching practice and consultations.

Assessment :

The performance of the candidates, in the 4 modules, would be on an assignment-based assessment by the University of Cambridge International Examinations. 

Teacher-Student Ratio :


Admission Criteria :

Students have to be:

  • be a full- or part-time teacher, teaching in an educational institution over a full academic year, for a minimum of 24 weeks and a minimum of 6 hours per week
  • have regular support of at least one experienced, trusted colleague who understands the essential principles that underpin this qualification, and can provide helpful advice and observations
  • have a group of minimum 6 learners
  • be responsible for planning and facilitating the learning activities of their learners
*Candidates who don’t fulfil the above requirements will be assessed on a case-to-case basis.

Certification :

The performance of the candidates, in the 3 units, would be on an assignment-based assessment in 3 components: (1) Evidence of Practice, (2) Evidence of Learning and (3) Evidence of Reflection.

Upon passing the 3 units of this programme, students will be awarded the Cambridge International Certificate for Teaching and Learning, awarded by the University of Cambridge International Examinations, UK.

Course Progression : 

Students are eligible for the Diploma upon completion of the Certificate course.

Career as a Certified Professional Trainer (teaching career or training career)

Certified Professional Trainers are now in high demand and they enjoy diverse career opportunities in challenging and stimulating settings from education through to the corporate sector. The diploma will equip you with transferable skills, including excellent problem solving, communication and organisational skills. Coupled with the right qualification, you may also move into management and other specialised roles such as curriculum developers, preschool advisors, children’s service coordinators and in education-related areas in both government and private sectors, including the media and service industries.

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