Apply Intermediate Industrial Engineering (REC)


About this Course

Many manufacturers are now critically evaluating their processes to determine their effectiveness in bringing maximum value to customers. Customers are intending to shift more of their cost to the manufacturing chain that cut off the business profitability. The key to gaining the competitive advantage is to re-engineer business processes. This course will lead the engineers and factories management through the industrial engineering functions with respect to the activities involved in capacity assessment studies, benchmarking, modeling, unit cost drivers, better understanding of the methods and time measurements I and II and how to create core data for establishing SAM value, determining the PFD and sewing allowances as per orders categories, work methods analysis and simplification, applying the simultaneous engineering approach for shorten lead time and cost reduction, feasibility and value added analysis, setting up core values driven by costing formula for monitoring Key Performance, different production set ups analysis for the most economical and practical methods, handling analysis, modular team concept and other set ups, change management, internal procedures simplification, and total changes implementation. In addition, the participant will be given a fresh approach regarding the proper methods to apply effectively for process razing and operations scanning and improving successfully introduced within the garment factories. This unit is delivered through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on activities.

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